Registration support page for non-french speakers

We noticed that it was not so easy for some non french-speakers to register on the french website Helloasso.. For us, it’s important to use it, it’s really easier for our accounts, an to gather all information in one place..

In order to help you, you will find some translation of the sentences which posed some difficulties by clicking here to download the document. 

Note: In case your payment card does not work (it has happened a few times), try another one if possible. If nothing works, you may use the promo code INVITATION, and you will skip the payment section. But then, you have to send the payment via bank transfer or Paypal , and also to send a screenshot of your payment confirmation to the organiser . Your registration will be secured only once we receive the screenshot. But please try first to pay via Helloasso, it is much much easier for us.