10 days completely immersed in nature. Silent walks every day. Morning and evening meditations and spiritual teachings. Participatory community life. A camp that moves and breathes new life into our nomadic soul . Children who, like adults, discover the joys and constraints of life in all its simplicity. Laughter, deep discussions, working together, human bonds.
The essence of Yatra is the spiritual quest. We do this in the heart of nature, in the simplicity that has always nutured mystics and other explorers of the depths of life. But the Yatra is also a place for questioning and experimenting with the ways of living we need to adopt to preserve the environment on which we depend in the long term.
It’s a time when everyone simplifies their lives in contact with nature. Sun, rain, heat or cold, and wind put us back in touch with a sense of fragility long since lost. This return to humility and reverence, this rediscovered sensitivity in the midst of the ups and downs inherent in any life close to nature, are the signs of an authentic spirituality rooted in reality. It is becoming alive again. It is where the question of the meaning of existence ceases to be asked, without even having been answered, just because it is lived. It’s reconnecting with a sense of security and unshakeable joy, independent of our identity, our successes, our failures, or our aspirations.
For the third year running, the Yatra will take place in the magnificent Lot region of France. Depending on the climate and the energy of the group, we are planning three or four camp trips. To make these trips a little lighter, our organization team has come up with a strategy that we’ll be delighted to share with you (this is to intrigue the old-timers…).
The community is an important aspect of this event, which is co-created and in which every participant plays an active part.
Meals will be vegan. Our approach to food is no more dogmatic than our approach to spirituality. But on the one hand, we’re determined not to encourage the industrial exploitation of animals (and it’s hard to find animal products from non-industrial sources for a group of this size), and on the other, we’re seizing the opportunity to let everyone have the experience of eating for 10 days meals prepared without animal products by our kitchen team, who are determined to make this experiment as rich as possible.
As we know that this experiement can be more difficult for the children (and it is not their choice), we are commited to sometime make some special meals for them)
The price is made up of a deposit to cover the costs of the Yatra and a free but necessary contribution, requested at the end of the event. The later will be used to cover the association’s annual expenses, while another part will be dedicated to remunerating the organizers and the teachers.
Follow this link if you want to better understand why we work the way we do:
Important: Too many late registrations make life difficult for us, so we’re offering a 20% discount to those of you who register before March 31.
CHILDREN’S RATE: 230€. If necessary, you can benefit from a 40€ reduction per child by using one of the following promotional codes: 1CHILD, 2CHILDREN, 3CHILDREN.
In the event of cancellation on our part, we will refund your deposit in full.
In the event of cancellation on your side up to 6 weeks before the event, a partial refund of 50% will be made. After this deadline, your entire deposit will be dedicated to the smooth running of the Yatra.
We use Helloasso, which makes our life much easier for payments and information management. They also operate on a free participation basis. They will ask youd to make a donation at the end of your registration. You are free to choose the amount, or to give nothing. You should know that we also make a donation on our side.
For your registration, click on the button “Participer”. Although the instructions are in English, the template of the ticketing website is in French. It is very possible that your browser can translate it, but you can also download the instructions.
For us, it’s important to use it, it’s really easier for our accounts, an to gather all information in one place..
In order to help you, you will find some translation of the sentences which posed some difficulties by clicking here to download the document.
Note: In case your payment card does not work (it has happened a few times), try another one if possible. If nothing works, you may use the promo code TRANSFER, and you will skip the payment section. But then, you have to send the payment via bank transfer or Paypal , and also to send a screenshot of your payment confirmation to the organiser . Your registration will be secured only once we receive the screenshot. But please try first to pay via Helloasso, it is much much easier for us.
Click and download the files Dharma-Yatra-En